Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Artist's Luck

Are you so sure it's not the dancer who creates the music she moves to? Or the painter who manifests the mountains he captures? Or the tycoon who builds the empire before there's a dime?

Whatever you want, let it exist first in your mind, imagine every nuance and consideration, let the walls have substance, the halls have depth, and the money have weight in the palm of your hand, and then all that's necessary to bring it to pass will be drawn to you.
Sneaky, clever, foxy, wry - 
    The Universe

Really, who do you think gave Beethoven his, "DUN! DUN! DUN! DUN!!!!"?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Business

I must create a system, or be enslav’d by another man’s. I will not reason and compare: my business is to create

The World Doesn't need Fixing

By the way, the world doesn't need fixing.

Neither do you.

And dreaming for more, bigger, and zippier, doesn't mean you can't be happy today.
The UniverseTUT

Friday, October 1, 2010

Land ho!

Yes, it's true.
There are so many things that you don't know about.
Things, quite frankly, you can't know. About the magic, the unseen and the ridiculous logistics that can so swiftly change a life. Yes, it would be enough to daunt even the hardest of souls.

But then again, one doesn't need to learn the mysteries of the world, to be able to sale across the world effortlessly, either.

Actually, you've got yourself a very good deal.

PS: Besides, isn't it enough to know that in some forgotten time, we shared these secrets together? That even now, our march through eternities just continues? And that before you even know it we'll laugh like rolling thunder, again?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Empower, Celebrate and Free Them All

Sometimes, one of the most helpful things you can do for another is to let them learn stuff for themselves, at their own pace.
It's also one of the most helpful things you can do for yourself.
Empower, celebrate and free them all-

Hair Loss

Don't lose your head, else you'll lose your hair too.

"What Recession?"

Do you know the number one way to reverse a global recession?
Right! "What Recession?"
To the Mall,

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


You can choose to go, do, be, and have, and in the end you'll exclaim, shocked and bewildered, that because of all the synchronicities of your life, all the "clicks" and "coincidences," and the many happy "accidents," your bounty and good fortune must have been your destiny.

Or, you might choose to wait for a miracle, a savior, or divine intervention, and in the end you'll exclaim, shocked and bewildered, that because of all the synchronicities of your life, all the missed chances and disappointments, and the many unhappy accidents, your lack and misfortune must have been your destiny.
Hey, do you see what the difference is?
It ain't me,

Dedicated to Mike Rooley

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Today for Tomorrow

So much love, blazing insights, a wild imagination, and opposable thumbs... do you know what this means?!

You're nearing the zenith of your evolutionary curve!

Don't delay!! This is the time to invite fate, tempt passion, and expect miracles by dreaming big and taking nonstop action!!

All things are indeed looking possible and you alone decide how your tomorrows will unfold.

My how you have grown,

The Universe

Monday, August 2, 2010

Young souls learn to accept responsibility for their actions.

Mature souls learn to accept responsibility for their thoughts.

And old souls, learn to accept responsibility for their happiness.


The Universe
© ®
No one cares what time it is in paradise, huh?